We’re excited to announce that Oplo is now a National Member of theMoney Advice Liaison Group (MALG). MALG is a not-for-profit UK membershipgroup whose purpose is to galvanise organisations to work together to improvethe lives of people with problem debt. We share in this purpose, and aredelighted to lend our voice, experience, support and skills to work inpartnership with MALG and other members from across the credit and debtlandscape.
At Oplo, we are passionate about responsible lending and moneymanagement. We want everyone to know how to safely save, spend, budgetand borrow in ways that will help them fulfil their true potential.
Bob Winnington, CEO of MALG, said:
“We are delighted to welcome Oplo intoMALG Membership at such an important time for those in debt as a result of thepandemic. Creditors like Oplo are key stakeholders and our role is to openlines of communication between them, money advisers, policy-makers, and othersto enable collaborative working for the mutual benefit of all. We look forwardto welcoming representatives from Oplo to our upcoming events including ourfortnightly virtual ‘Friday Forums’, and quarterly national and regionalMembers Meetings”.
Our membership of MALG will also enable us to play a powerful part inour home territory of the North West through its regional group.
Our work with MALG is the latest in a long line of initiatives we haveput in place for us to drive positive change in the industry. We’re alsolaunching our new Financial Education Programme, which is aimed at making surethe next generation has the financial knowledge they’ll need to make informeddecisions about their money management.
This initiative kicks off right with our local community here inBlackpool. You can read more about this initiative here